Zoom Meetings

During these uncertain times our team launched Zoom meetings to replace our offline events and to stay together.

WomanUp Webinars

WomanUp Webinars


Join us online on ZOOM 

Talks from global experts, TED speakers, professors and authors of best-seller

You will receive a recording after the webinar


Tento webinár si môžeš vypočuť live cez platformu Zoom už 29.11. Spýtaj sa speakerky čokoľvek ťa zaujíma a vypočuj si prednášku v angličtine alebo slovenčine

Návod na tvoj mozog

  • Praktické tipy, ako vieš vyťažiť z tvojho mozgu maximum
  • Ako zvýšiť produktivitu, úspech a zdravie tvojho mozgu
  • Ako náš mozog funguje a ako si vieš podľa toho efektívne nastaviť rutiny
  • Know-how neurovedkyne Susan Greenfield za 40+ rokov skúmania mozgu


Do you want to watch one of our past webinars? Purchase a recording and learn from Stanford professor, TEDx speaker from Germany, expert on happiness from Switzerland or professor of neuroscience from Oxford.

What career type are you?

  • are you a Scanner or an Accumulator, what does it mean and how to benefit from it
  • find our skills and mindsets, which will help you get the most out of your career
  • learn what to do, when you don’t really have one niche
  • understand your potential and stop putting yourself in a box to please other

Communicate, present, speak

  • learn how to communicate authentically and with courage
  • get access to functional concepts, which help you lower you anxiety and stress from public speaking
  • learn how to create a connection with the audience 
  • find techniques to present clearly, with confidence and impact

How to be happier at work

  • why hapiness is a skill, which you can learn 
  • tips on how to hack your brain through neuroscience and psychology to become more positive.
  • discover your own definition of happiness at work and what to do with it”
  • specific, practical techniques to help you become happier at work.

Creativity starterpack: how to brainstorm and create better ideas

  • how to come up with original ideas that have impact 
  • tips on how to bring ideas to reality and find creative solutions 
  • best techniques on brainstorming and developing your ideas 
  • what to do when you are feeling stuck or in a creative block 
  • how to boost creativity in your life and career 

Buduj si kvalitný sex life

  • naučíš sa, ako zlepšovať intímne vzťahy a lepšie spoznať seba a iných 
  • zistíš, ako lepšie porozumieť reakciám tvojho tela na rôzne podnety 
  • tipy, ako počúvať, keď ťa tvoje telo upozorňuje, že niečo nie je v poriadku 
  • dozvieš sa viac o rôznych spôsoboch komunikácie súhlasu

Marketing is DEAD

  • to be effective marketers these days we have to unlearn everything we learn about marketing 
  • specific examples of successful activities and what you can learn from them
  • guide on how to work with a smaller budget for maximum impact 
  • nicolas will share his knowledge and lessons from almost 30 years in creative business

Build a successful business

  • steps you can take to work on and boost your business
  • specific strategies, which can elevate your project and founder mindset 
  • examples of successful women-led business and their successful journeys
  • Lisa’s tips and advice based on 10 years of experience in the tech and entrepreneurial ecosystem

How to use your brain

  • practical tips on how to get the most out of your brain
  • how to increase the productivity and health of your brain
  • how our brain works and how we can benefit from it

How to communicate effectively in your work and business

  •  what is influential communication and how you can achieve it
  • tips on how to prepare for meetings and conversations and deliver your thoughts effectively and effortlessly
  • how to ask the right questions to understand your communication partners and their decision-making criteria better
  • what type of communication to use when dealing with difficult situations and questions
  • practical tips and lessons from Arabella and her experience in coaching, training, mentoring and consulting

Ako to funguje?

po zakúpení lístka ti pošleme pozvánku na webinár
pripojíš sa a rozhodneš sa, či si chceš webinár vypočuť v angličtine alebo v slovenskom preklade v reálnom čase
získaš know-how od svetových expertov na sebarozvojové témy

Tlmočenie webinárov do slovenčiny

Za pomoc pri tlmočení webinárov ďakujeme Miroslavovi Kováčovi. Vďaka nemu si môžeš každý webinár so svetovým expertom vypočuť aj v slovenčine!

Ak hľadáš niekoho na tlmočenie alebo preklad textov, neváhaj Miroslava osloviť. Je to profesionál s bohatými skúsenosťami a ľudským prístupom.

Miroslav tlmočí a prekladá v anglickom a ruskom jazyku a okrem štúdia na Univerzite Mateja Bela tiež absolvoval jazykovú stáž v Inštitúte ruského jazyka v Moskve. Jeho hlas môžete počuť najmä vo vysielaní  TA3 počas dôležitých prejavov zahraničných štátnikov, naživo tlmočil napríklad pohreb Kráľovnej Alžbety II. Okrem toho spolupracoval s médiami ako Pravda a RTVS24, tlmočí tiež firemné a štátne rokovania, diplomatické a kultúrne podujatia a konferencie na rôzne témy. Momentálne sa venuje aj tlmočeniu tém spojených s pomocou ukrajinským utečencom, či už to pre IOM, UNHCR, OSN, alebo priamo pre ľudí. 

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